06 April 2011

Found Information on Our Great-Uncle, Pablo Salazar

So I found this on a geneology forum:
"Pablo Salazar Padilla et Capeto fue un aristócrata de origen portugues y francés nacido en 1908, en la Cancillería Portuguesa de Nicaragua. Hijo Joao Fernando Salazar e Braganza y Pilar Padilla y Capeto. Su madre Elizabeth Padilla et Capeto, era hija de un aristócrata francés y una princesa de Prusia, ella profesaba la religión luterana y al casarse con don Joao Fernando se convirtió al catolicismo y fue rebautizada como Pilar Salazar Padilla y Capeto. Pablo y sus hermanos heredaron un patrimonio en objetos de arte y joyas. De niño su madre muere y posteriormente su padre. Durante su juventud llevó una vida disipada por la mirada de su hermana mayor Jane. Viajó a Petrópolis, Brasil y junto a sus hermanos Jane y Francisco fueron a ver el ascenso al poder de Adolfo Hitler como Canciller de Alemania el 30, enero de 1933. - En 1938 contrajo nupcias con Justa M de Salazar, con quien tuvo tres hijos: Augusto, Jenny y Marlene. Su esposa era somocista y cuando se fundó el ala femenina somocista del Partido Liberal, llegó hasta Costa Rica convocando a la colonia nicaraguense en ese país para que votaran por Somoza. Don Pablo se dedicó a la importación. Viajó mucho junto a su esposa a Cuba, Puerto Rico, México, Venezuela y Chile, donde se valió para hacer buenas amistades en especial en Cuba como don Miguel Abdala quien terminó en San Carlos de Nicaragua, luego de la Revolución cubana. Pablo falleció el 12 de diciembre de 1990, San José Costa Rica."

and the translation to English:
"Pablo Salazar Padilla et Capet was a Portuguese aristocrat and French origin born in 1908 in the Portuguese Foreign Ministry in Nicaragua. Son Joao Fernando Salazar e Bragança and Pilar Padilla and Capet. His mother Elizabeth Padilla et Capet, daughter of a French aristocrat and a princess of Prussia, she professed the Lutheran religion and marry Don Fernando Joao converted to Catholicism and was renamed Salazar Pilar Padilla and Capet. Paul and his siblings inherited an estate in art objects and jewelry. As a child his mother and later his father died. During his youth he led a dissipated life in the eyes of her older sister Jane. He traveled to Petropolis, Brazil, and with his siblings Jane and Francis went to see the rise of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933. - In 1938 he married Justa M Salazar, who had three children: Augustus, Jenny and Marlene. Somoza and his wife was when he founded the women's wing Somoza Liberal Party, came to Costa Rica calling for the Nicaraguan colony in the country to vote for Somoza. Don Pablo was spent on imports. He traveled widely with his wife in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Venezuela and Chile, where he used to make special friendships in Cuba as Don Miguel Abdala who finished in San Carlos de Nicaragua, after the Cuban Revolution. Paul died on December 12, 1990, San José Costa Rica."

raisinglittlesaints {at} gmail {dot} com

So this Pablo Salazar would not be my father, actually it would be his uncle from whom he was named after.  Pablo Salazar was my grandfather's brother!  I wish I knew if this source was accurate with this information???  I might be in luck though because I have been contacted {through this blog} by someone named Pablo who says he is the grandson of my great-uncle Pablo Salazar!  Can't wait to find out the details...Pablo...please e-mail me soon!