Chasing Castles in the Sky
Come with me
Where dreams come true,
Where wishes are reality,
If only you knew.
Please, come now,
What I say is no lie,
Come with me
To my castle in the sky.
High above, in the clouds,
Fluffy and white,
Surrounded by stars,
Enormous and bright,
Where it's always day,
Glowing with light,
And never black with
Darkness of night.
Where anything is yours,
Anything you see,
Together we must go,
It's meant to be.
From this cruel world
& hatred we can flee,
C'mon, let us go,
Simply just you and me.
So, come with me
Where dreams come true,
Where everywhere you look
Is a beautiful view,
Where we can stay in peace
Until we die,
Come with me
To my castle in the sky.